The Bézout Labex specializes in research on the cutting edge between mathematics and computer science. It includes three laboratories located east of Paris in Marne-la-Vallée and Créteil – LIGM, which specializes in computer science, and CERMICS and LAMA, which specialize in mathematics. These laboratories bring together over 200 active researchers, including PhD students. A TOP-LEVEL INTERNATIONAL CENTERSeveral research groups within these laboratories are leaders in France in their area of specialization, including algorithmics, combinatorics, analysis in high dimension, probabilistic modelling, multifractal analysis, differential geometry, numerical methods, financial mathematics and image processing. By fostering the cross-fertilization of ideas between mathematicians and computer scientists, the Bézout Labex serves as a top-level international center in the areas of research at the crossroads of the fields of mathematics and computer science. EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, TRANSFER AND EXPERTISEOne of the main objectives of the Bézout Labex is to develop solutions for major technological challenges in areas such as urban planning, engineering, telecommunications, health and medicine. The Bézout Labex also promotes the application of its research within industry and services, in areas such as imaging, telecommunications, networks and finance. THE BÉZOUT RESEARCH CHAIREvery year, prestigious foreign scientists are selected to share the Bézout Research Chair. Each comes for up to three months to work on a specific scientific topic related to the Labex’s four main areas of research. |
LIGMThe Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge is a research unit associated with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEMLV) and the engineering schools École des Ponts Paris Tech (ENPC) and ESIEE Paris. CERMICSThe Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques et Calcul Scientifique is the laboratory of applied mathematics and scientific computing of the Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech. LAMAThe Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées is a research unit of the CNRS, the UPEMLV and the Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne (UPEC). |
A MEMBER OF THE PRES UPEThe Bézout Labex is part of the community of universities and institutions Université Paris-Est (UPE), which brings together two universities, four prestigious engineering schools, including Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech and ESIEE Paris, three Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture, one national veterinary school, five research and development institutes, four operating agencies, one competitiveness cluster and over 70 research laboratories. UPE was built en 2007 and is today a major international campus. |
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Who was Bézout ? Étienne Bézout (1730-1783) was a famous French mathematician and academic during the Age of Enlightenment. Considered as the founder of algorithmics, he also played a key role in the development of science and the teaching of mathematics in France. Three mathematical concepts bear his name. These include Bézout’s identity, which is a fundamental theorem in the elementary theory of numbers, Bézout’s theorem, one of the most important concepts in algebraic geometry, and the Bézout matrix, which is still used today to develop algorithms. |
What does labex stand for ? In 2010, the French government launched the “Investing for the Future” program and began investing heavily in research. This program led to the development of several projects including the creation of what are now called “Laboratories of Excellence.” The goal of the Labex project is to select renowned French research laboratories and offer them additional resources so they can become more competitive in the international arena. The laboratories that have been selected use an integrated approach that combines research, training and concrete applications for industry. |
To know more about Bézout ![]() |
To know more about the “Investing for the Future” program |
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DIRECTION AND SCIENTIFICS ANIMATIONPhilippe LOUBATON, a Professor at the Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée, is the Head of the Bézout Labex, and Hajer BAHOURI, a Professor at the Université Paris-Est Créteil, is the Vice-Head of the Labex. The scientific animation of the Labex is performed by a board assisted by an international scientific committee. |