The Bézout Labex has developed a unique cross-disciplinary International Master’s Program which combines computer science and mathematics: the “Bézout Excellence Track”. This Master’s program offers students the opportunity to acquire sought-after skills in both disciplines that can be used in academia or industry. PRESENTATIONThis one-year program is open to students from foreign academic institutions who have completed a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or computing sciences as well as the first year of a Master’s or PhD program. The best students will be invited to join the PhD program of the Doctoral School MSTIC (Mathematics, Sciences and Information and Communication Technology) of Université Paris-Est. A joint supervision with the student's national doctoral framework, leading to both PhD grades, is possible. SCIENTIFIC CONTENTSWith courses both in English and French, the Bézout Excellence Track mainly focuses on: 1. Image processing using stochastic methods and compressed sensing. 2. Computing sciences and biology (algorithms, graphs, applications to health domain). 3. Discrete geometry and applications to conception and design. 4. Applied mathematics and mathematical finance. COURSESThe Bézout Excellence Track combines courses from two existing M2 programs in Mathematics and Computer Science. To obtain the Master’s degree, students will have to pass successfully one of the two Masters and additionally succeed in one or two courses from the other Master. The available courses are the following: Courses in computer science (theoretical computer science & software design) Courses in computer science (computer imagery & signal processing) |
In the French academic system, the M2 year is the last year of tuition, where courses at research level are taught and an initiation to research (3 to 4 months in a lab) is proposed. It constitutes an introduction to doctoral work before starting a thesis. |
Some courses are specifically designed for the Master's program. They explore some topics located at the crossroads of mathematics and computer sciences.
The course Courbure discrète (Discrete curvature), at the interface of mathematics and computer science, is especially designed for Bezout Students interested in geometry. Students following this course will learn how to manipulate geometric objects such as polyhedra, curves and polygonal surfaces, studying their properties and those of corresponding smooth objects. They will also learn how to correctly define discrete objects and deduce their geometric invariants, especially curvature. This emerging field of research includes classic polyhedron geometry, and covers numerous applications in graphic design, CAD and architecture. |
The course Combinatoire (Combinatorics) introduces the essentials of modern algebraic combinatorics. This course provides an introduction to algebraic combinatorics for non-specialists, IT professionals and mathematicians. It begins with an exposition of the longest common subsequence problem, before examining how the solution leads to a closer examination of the Schur functions, Hopf’s algebraic combinatorics and the tree algebras of Connes and Kreimer for renormalization in physics. |
To apply 1. Please gather the following documents in a single PDF file : - a curriculum vitae, - the degree certificate and a copy of significant end-of-term reports, - a cover letter presenting the motivation and the professional goals of the applicant, - a recommendation letter from a Professor from the applicant’s home institution (with the rank and the number of students if not on the degree certificate), APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED 2. The list of selected applicants will be made public in June. |
A free opensource software to merge pdf documents can be downloaded here |
MARWA BANNA is 27 years old. Originally from Lebanon, she took the Bézout Master’s course in 2012/2013 after completing her undergraduate degree and Master 1 in Mathematics in Lebanon. She is currently writing a thesis entitled "Random matrices and dependence." Read her story
PAOLO PIGATO, a 26-year-old Italian, took the Bézout Masters course in 2011/2012. He is currently writing a joint thesis for the University of Padova and Université Paris-Est on finance and probability problems. Read his story
KACPER PLUTA originally from Poland, he took the Bézout Master's program in 2013/2014. He is currently writing a thesis which he plans to defend in October 2017 "Read his story
THI THU HUONG NGUYEN originally from Vietnam, she took the Bézout Master's program in 2014/2015. Specialized in Statistics Theory applying in Finance, she is writing a thesis entitled “Estimation of the jump processes”. "Read her story"