Professor Barany is researcher at the Rényi Institute of Mathematics, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor at the University College London. He works in combinatorics, discrete geometry, convexity and their applications in computer science.
Pr Berlinkov is a young researcher from the Ural Federal University of Ekaterinburg, Russia. He works on the computational and probabilistic properties of finite state systems.
Sergey Bobkov’s research interests are at the frontier between probability theory, analysis, convex geometry and discrete mathematics. He made in particular important contributions to the study of isoperimetric inequalities for log-concave distributions, as well as in the study of various functional inequalities related to the concentration of measure phenomenon.
Three one-month visits of Professor Uli Wagner (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria) are supported by the Labex Bezout for 2014-2016. During the first visit, in september 2014, Uli Wagner gave a talk in the probability seminar (LAMA) on higher-dimensional expanders (which served as an outlook of a serie of technical talks on expanders that unfolded later in the semester) and another one in the discrete geometry seminar at IHP. He also initiated a work with Xavier Goaoc (LIGM) on an approximate version of the Nerve theorem in algebraic topology.
Alexander LITVAK is working in Asymptotic Theory of finite dimensional normed spaces and related topics in Convex Geometry and Probability. His research is devoted to the study of asymptotic behavior of convex bodies in high dimensional spaces as well as random aspects of that behavior. Probabilistic technique and tools play crucial role in Asymptotic Theory. Part of his research is closely related to the study of the smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of a random matrix, i.e. the study of the norm of the inverse (from the image) operator, corresponding to a random matrix.