A MAJOR INTERNATIONAL CAMPUSLocated less than 30 minutes from the center of Paris, the community of universities and institutions Université Paris-Est (UPE) was built in 2007 and is a major international campus offering multi-disciplinary libraries and student housing. Convenient public transport is available between the different sites. |
The Doctoral Research Network in Mathematics for Ile-de-France Region (Réseau de Recherche Doctoral en Mathématiques de l'Ile de France RDM-IdF), is carried by the FSMP (Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris), the Hadamard Foundation and the Bézout LabEx. It is one of the projects selected among the DIM Grants (Domaine d'Intérêt Majeur) of the Ile de France region in 2011.
The RDM-IdF will finance three-years long doctoral fellowships for Phds taking place in one of the mathematics departments of the Region IdF. This program is a continuation of the M2 programs already started by the three carriers and is meant to increase the attractivity of the region, and to answer anticipated increased needs in terms of Research and also Research and Development.
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Applications for these doctoral fellowships are open. To apply on line: www.rdm-idf.fr |
SERVICES FOR MOBILE STUDENTS AND RESEARCHERSUniversité Paris-Est is hosting a EURAXESS Services centre for mobile students and researchers, called acc&ss Paris-Est.
2 OFFICESCité Descartes Créteil |