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News/Positionsmarch 2025

La Tournée de π 2018

This event will be held in March, 14-19, 2018 in three main cities in France (Paris - Lyon - Marseille) It has the ambition to constitute a great annual festive meeting and federator of mathematics. It will consist of 3 evenings conference-show (π day and mathematics week). Following...

March 14th, 2018


A post-doc position offered by Labex Bézout

Labex Bézout offers a post-doc position co-advised by 2 host laboratories : Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM-UMR 8049), Université Paris-Est Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées (LAMA-UMR 8050), Université Paris-Est Send the...

February 12th, 2018


CIMPA Buenos Aires 2018

The school will take place in Buenos Aires from July 16th to 27th 2018 at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales This research school aims at presenting frontier topics in Probability "Geometry and Scaling of Random Structures".

February 12th, 2018