Professor David AristoffProfessor David Aristoff is invited by 2 laboratories : CERMICS (Centre d'enseignement et de recherche en Mathématiques et calcul Scientifique de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) and LAMA (Laboratoire Analyse Mathématiques Appliquées). David Aristoff is... June 4th, 2018 Discrete topolgy and geometry and applicationsThis course is aimed at a broad audience, so everyone's welcome ! The course will cover some discrete theorems in topology (Sperner and Tucker) and geometry (Helly and Carathéodory) as well as several of their applications. We will illustrate how these theorems offerelementary gateways to... May 24th, 2018 Random Matrices and their Applications Kyoto 2018The workshop will take place in The University of Hong-Kong 21-25 May, 2018. The Random matrix theory is a very active field at the confluence of pure mathematics, theoretical physics, multivariate statistics, electrical engineering and so forth. May 21st, 2018 |