1st Franco-Dutch YEP workshop in EindhovenThe workshop will take place in Eindhoven (Netherland) May 28-June 1st, 2018 The model of the workshop will be the Young European Probalilists series (YEP) that are held annually in Eurandom, consisting of mini-courses and regular talks from both “junior” or... February 9th, 2018 SMF 2018 in Lille (France)SMF 2018 will be held in Lille (France) 4-8 June, 2018 The aim of this workshop is to bring French mathematics together for one week, from the most fundamental areas of research to the most applied aspects. This conference, through its prestigious speakers, will provide a panorama... February 9th, 2018 RFIAP-SFPT 2018This event will take place in Cité Descartes Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée 25-28 June 2018. This conference will gather for the first time two major French events of these 2 scientific communities of the articifial vision. The RFIAP (Reconnaissance des Formes,... February 9th, 2018 |