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News/Positionsmarch 2025

School on Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology Discrete and Algorithmic

This event will be held in Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré, June 18-22, 2018 This is one-week school devoted to low-dimensional geometry and topology, from both the viewpoints of mathematicians and computer scientists.

June 18th, 2018


Colloquium Maths-Info June 5th, 2018

To celebrate the arrival of our visiting professors UPE and Bézout Artem ZVAVITCH and Boris BUKH, Matthieu Fradelizi (LAMA) and Xavier GOAOC are pleased to invite you to attend :  Colloquium Maths-info Tuesday, June 5th 2018 Room 2B101 - the renovated part of the...

June 4th, 2018


Professor Boris Bukh - June 2018

Professor Boris Bukh is invited by 2 laboratories : LAMA ( Laboratoire Analyse Mathématiques Appliquées) and LIGM (Laboratoire Informatique Gaspard Monge). Boris Bukh is associate professor at the mathematics department of Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburg. He is a specialist...

June 4th, 2018